Monday, 12 September 2016

ISRO to launch student satellite, PRATHAM

The ISRO's support to educational institutions in promoting space science is huge. To build future scientists, ISRO encourage students to participate in its mission. To involve students in its mission ISRO has a programme for academic institutions through which they can give their efforts and they can venture into working on space technology.

Academic institutions can ensure there involvement by doing one of the below options: 
Development of Payload : Here, universities can be involved in developing payloads and launch them along with other payloads by ISRO.

Satellite Design and Fabrication : Here, students get involved in design, fabrication and testing of satellite bus and payload, to deliver an integrated unit, for launch. ISRO provides the technical guidance.

ISRO to launch PRATHAM

ISRO is all set to launch the first satellite by the Indian Institutes of Technology, built by students of IIT-B at ISRO, Bengaluru. The satellite, called PRATHAM, will be launched as a piggy-back along with ISRO's ScatSat PSLV.

Officials have not yet declared a date for launch; however, students have been given a deadline of 26 September to make the project ready.

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